Administering Windows Server Hybrid Core Infrastructure -koulutuksessa käydään kattavasti läpi ominaisuuksia, jotka liittyvät on-prem -ympäristön ja Azure-pilviympäristön yhteistyöhön sekä näiden palvelujen käyttöönottoa, hallintaa ja konfigurointia, sekä monitorointia.
Opi, kuinka toteutat ja hallitset on-prem- ja hybridiratkaisuja seuraavien toimintojen osalta: identiteetti, prosessointi/virtuaalikoneet, tallennus ja verkot sekä tietoliikenne.
Koulutus sopii Windows Server –ylläpitäjille ja IT -ammattilaisille, jotka hallitsevat ja konfiguroivat Windows Server -pohjaisia työkuormia On-prem-, pilvi- ja hybridiympärisöissä, tai haluavat laajentaa on-prem ympäristöjä pilveen, tai tekevät tietoturvaan, migraatiohin, monitorointiin tai vian etsintään liittyviä toimia hybridi-ympäristöissä.
Koulutukseen osallistuaksesi sinulla tulisi olla laaja osaaminen on-prem -ympäristöjen Windows Server -ylläpidosta sekä perusosaaminen Azuresta ja Azure Active Directorystä. Koulutukseen osallistujalla on hyvä olla ennestään seuraavat taidot:
- Windows Server -käyttöjärjestelmän hallinta ja sillä toteutettavien on-prem -työkuormien ja seuraavien palveluiden osaaminen: AD DS, DNS, DFS, Hyper-V, tiedosto- ja tallennuspalvelut
- Windows Server -hallintatyökalujen osaaminen
- Azure IaaS-palveluiden käyttöönotto ja hallinta
- Azure Active Directoryn perusosaaminen
- Windows -työasemakäyttöjärjestelmät (Windows 10 ja/tai 11)
- PowerShellin perusosaaminen
Koulutus valmentaa Microsoftin viralliseen AZ-800 Administering Windows Server Hybrid Core Infrastructure -sertifiointitestiin.
Koulutuksen sisältö
Deploy and manage AD DS domain controllers
- Deploy and manage domain controllers on-premises
- Deploy and manage domain controllers in Azure
- Deploy read-only domain controllers (RODCs)
- Troubleshoot flexible single master operation (FSMO) roles
Configure and manage multi-site, multi-domain, and multi-forest environments
- Configure and manage forest and domain trusts
- Configure and manage AD DS sites
- Configure and manage AD DS replication
Create and manage AD DS security principals
- Create and manage AD DS users and groups
- Manage users and groups in multi-domain and multi-forest scenarios
- Implement Group Managed Service Accounts (gMSAs)
- Join Windows Servers to AD DS, Microsoft Entra Domain Services, and Microsoft Entra
Implement and manage hybrid identities
- Integrate Microsoft Entra ID, AD DS and Microsoft Entra Domain Services
- Implement Microsoft Entra Connect
- Manage Microsoft Entra Connect synchronization
- Implement Microsoft Entra Connect cloud sync
- Manage Microsoft Entra Domain Services
- Manage Microsoft Entra Connect Health
- Manage authentication in on-premises and hybrid environments
- Configure and manage AD DS passwords
Manage Windows Server by using domain-based Group Policies
- Implement Group Policy in AD DS
- Implement Group Policy Preferences in AD DS
- Implement Group Policy in Microsoft Entra Domain Services
Manage Windows Servers in a hybrid environment
- Deploy a Windows Admin Center Gateway server
- Configure a target machine for Windows Admin Center
- Configure PowerShell remoting
- Configure Credential Security Support Provider protocol (CredSSP) or Kerberos Delegation for 2nd Hop Remoting
- Configure Just Enough Administration (JEA) for PowerShell remoting
Manage Windows Servers and workloads by using Azure services
- Manage Windows Servers by using Azure Arc
- Create and assign Azure Policy that uses guest configuration extension
- Deploy Azure services using Azure VM extensions on non-Azure machines
- Manage updates for Windows machines
- Integrate Windows Servers with Log Analytics
- Integrate Windows Servers with Microsoft Defender for Cloud
- Manage IaaS VMs in Azure that run Windows Server
- Implement Azure Automation for hybrid workloads
- Create runbooks to automate tasks on target VMs
- Implement Azure Automation State Configuration to prevent configuration drift in IaaS machines
Manage Hyper-V and guest virtual machines
- Enable VM Enhanced session mode
- Manage VM using PowerShell remoting, PowerShell Direct and Secure Shell (SSH) Direct for Linux VMs
- Configure nested virtualization
- Configure VM Memory
- Configure integration services
- Configure Discrete Device Assignment
- Configure VM resource groups
- Configure VM CPU groups
- Configure hypervisor scheduling types
- Manage VM checkpoints
- Implementing high availability for virtual machines
- Manage virtual hard disk (VHD) and virtual hard disk v2 (VHDX) files
- Configure Hyper-V Network Adapter
- Configure network interface card (NIC) Teaming
- Configure Hyper-V Switch
Create and manage containers
- Create Windows Server container images
- Manage Windows Server container images
- Configure container networking
- Manage container instances
Manage Azure Virtual Machines that run Windows Server
- Manage data disks
- Resize Azure VM
- Configure connections to VMs
- Manage Azure VM network configuration
Implement on-premises and hybrid name resolution
- Integrate DNS with AD DS
- Create and manage DNS zones and records
- Configure DNS forwarding/conditional forwarding
- Integrate Windows Server DNS with Azure DNS private zones
- Implement Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC)
Manage IP addressing in on-premises and hybrid scenarios
- Implement and manage IP Address Management (IPAM)
- Implement and configure the Dynamic Host Configuration protocol (DHCP) server role (on-premises only)
- Resolve IP address issues in hybrid environments
- Create and manage DHCP scopes
- Create and manage IP reservations
- Implement DHCP high availability
Implement on-premises and hybrid network connectivity
- Implement and manage the Remote Access role
- Implement and manage Azure Network Adapter
- Implement and manage Azure extended network
- Implement and manage Network Policy and Access Services role
- Implement Web Application Proxy
- Implement Azure Relay
- Implement site-to-site VPN
- Implement Azure Virtual WAN
- Implement Microsoft Entra Application Proxy
Configure and manage Azure File Sync
- Create Azure File Sync Service
- Create sync groups
- Create cloud endpoints
- Register servers
- Create server endpoints
- Configure cloud tiering
- Monitor File Sync
- Migrate Distributed File System (DFS) to Azure File Sync
Configure and manage Windows Server file shares
- Configure Windows Server file share access
- Configuring file screens
- Configure file server resource manager (FSRM) quotas
- Configure BranchCache
- Implement and configure Distributed File System (DFS)
Configure Windows Server storage
- Configure disks and volumes
- Configure and manage Storage Spaces
- Configure and manage Storage Replica
- Configure Data Deduplication
- Configure Server Message Block (SMB) direct
- Configure Storage QoS
- Configure file systems
Microsoft, Azure, On-prem -ympäristö, Azure Active Directory, Hybridiratkaisut