Basics of Photo editing are very important skills, and Photoshop is the premiere app for all image editing.
Learn how to use layers and text.
Target audience
Anyone who wants to learn how to use Photoshop, no earlier knowledge required. We suggest starting from Photoshop Basics 1-3. Many techniques in this course continue building on what we learned in Photoshop 2.
Program version
This training is suitable for users with Photoshop CC (Creative Cloud) on Windows or Mac.
Work with Layers
- Move & Duplicate Layers
- What formats to save the image to preserve Layers
- Copy content from one image and paste it to another
- Move and place pasted content
- Resize and twist
Text in images
- How to add text using the text tool
- Horizontal & Vertical text
- Moving and placing and resizing text objects
- Edit text style
- Layer styles with text
Advanced Selections & Layers
- Blur the background
- Remove or hide the background from an image
- Content Aware Fill
- Layer styles with images
- Convert layers into Smart Objects
Photoshop, Text, Layer, Selection, Techniques