Tässä Applied Skills -koulutuksessa sukelletaan generatiivisen tekoälyn (AI) maailmaan perehtymällä mukautettuihin copilot-ratkaisujen luontiin Azure AI Studion avulla.
Opi luomaan ja hallitsemaan tekoälyprojekteja Azure AI Studion avulla, mukaan lukien kielimallisovellukset ja mukautetut copilot-ratkaisut hyödyntäen RAG -tekoälytekniikkaa.
Koulutus soveltuu kokeneille tai aloitteleville datatieteilijöille ja tekoälyinsinööreille. Osallistujalla on suositeltavaa olla tekoälykonseptien perustiedot ja Azure-palveluiden tuntemus.
Koulutuksen sisältö
Introduction to Azure AI Studio
- Describe core features and capabilities of Azure AI Studio
- Use Azure AI Studio to provision and manage an Azure AI resource
- Use Azure AI Studio to create and manage an AI project
- Understand when to use Azure AI Studio
- Lab: Explore Azure AI Studio
Get started with prompt flow to develop language model apps in the Azure AI Studio
- Understand the development lifecycle when creating language model applications.
- Understand what a flow is in prompt flow.
- Explore the core components when working with prompt flow.
- Lab: Get started with prompt flow
Build a RAG-based copilot solution with your own data using Azure AI Studio
- Identify the need to ground your language model with Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)
- Index your data with Azure AI Search to make it searchable for language models
- Build a copilot using RAG on your own data in the Azure AI Studio
- Lab: Create a custom copilot that uses your own data
Responsible generative AI in AI Studio
- Describe an overall process for responsible generative AI solution development
- Identify and prioritize potential harms relevant to a generative AI solution
- Measure the presence of harms in a generative AI solution
- Mitigate harms in a generative AI solution
- Prepare to deploy and operate a generative AI solution responsibly
- Lab: Explore content filters in Azure AI Studio
Microsoft, AI, Tekoäly, Azure AI Studio, RAG, Copilot -ratkaisut, Data Scientist, AI Engineer