Opi Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals tässä itseopiskelua ja online coachausta yhdistelevässä tehokkaassa valmennuksessa. Sopii erinomaisesti työn ohessa suoritettavaksi. Saat Learning Coachin henkilökohtaisen ohjauksen ja hänen suunnitteleman opintopolun avuksesi. Tällä valmennuksella aidon oppimisen ja sertifioitumisen takuu lähes 100%, mikäli olet motivoitunut itseopiskeluun.
Valmennuksessa käydään läpi millaisia AI ja Machine Learning -palveluita Azure tarjoaa kehittäjille.
Kurssi soveltuu niin kehittäjille ja arkkitehdeille yleiskatsauksen saamiseen, että myös kaikille joita Azure AI-palvelut kiinnostavat.
Ohjelma valmentaa Microsoftin viralliseen AI-900 Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals -sertifiointitestiin.
Valmennuksen sisältö
Microsoft Fundamentals Coaching -ohjelman sisältö:
- Asiantuntijoiden fasilitoimat videotallenteet suomeksi, jaoteltuina moduuleittain.
- Learning Coachin tuki
- Kerran viikossa Learning Coachin online-aamukahvit.
- Noin tunnin kestoisia virtuaalitapaamisia Learning Coachin johdolla. Aiheina ovat mm.
- Kick Off ja opintoihin orientoituminen
- Opiskelun parhaat käytännöt
- Labra-workshop
- Sertifiointiin valmistautuminen
- Palauteyhteenveto ja jatkosuunnitelmat
Identify features of common AI workloads
- Identify features of content moderation and personalization workloads
- Identify computer vision workloads
- Identify natural language processing workloads
- Identify knowledge mining workloads
- Identify document intelligence workloads
- Identify features of generative AI workloads
Identify guiding principles for responsible AI
- Describe considerations for fairness in an AI solution
- Describe considerations for reliability and safety in an AI solution
- Describe considerations for privacy and security in an AI solution
- Describe considerations for inclusiveness in an AI solution
- Describe considerations for transparency in an AI solution
- Describe considerations for accountability in an AI solution
Identify common machine learning techniques
- Identify regression machine learning scenarios
- Identify classification machine learning scenarios
- Identify clustering machine learning scenarios
- Identify features of deep learning techniques
Describe core machine learning concepts
- Identify features and labels in a dataset for machine learning
- Describe how training and validation datasets are used in machine learning
Describe Azure Machine Learning capabilities
- Describe capabilities of automated machine learning
- Describe data and compute services for data science and machine learning
- Describe model management and deployment capabilities in Azure Machine Learning
Identify common types of computer vision solution
- Identify features of image classification solutions
- Identify features of object detection solutions
- Identify features of optical character recognition solutions
- Identify features of facial detection and facial analysis solutions
Identify Azure tools and services for computer vision tasks
- Describe capabilities of the Azure AI Vision service
- Describe capabilities of the Azure AI Face detection service
Identify features of common NLP Workload Scenarios
- Identify features and uses for key phrase extraction
- Identify features and uses for entity recognition
- Identify features and uses for sentiment analysis
- Identify features and uses for language modeling
- Identify features and uses for speech recognition and synthesis
- Identify features and uses for translation
Identify Azure tools and services for NLP workloads
- Describe capabilities of the Azure AI Language service
- Describe capabilities of the Azure AI Speech service
Identify features of generative AI solutions
- Identify features of generative AI models
- Identify common scenarios for generative AI
- Identify responsible AI considerations for generative AI
Identify capabilities of Azure OpenAI Service
- Describe natural language generation capabilities of Azure OpenAI Service
- Describe code generation capabilities of Azure OpenAI Service
- Describe image generation capabilities of Azure OpenAI Service
Microsoft, Fundamentals, Azure, AI,Learning Coach, Machine Learning, Computer Vision