Tämä Applied Skills -koulutus vie sinut syvälle pilviteknologian maailmaan! Opi keskeiset taidot virtuaalikoneiden käyttöönotosta ja hallinnasta sekä syvennyt parhaisiin käytäntöihin, jotka auttavat sinua menestymään IT -alalla.
Tavoitteena on varustaa oppijat käytännön taidoilla, jotta he voivat luoda, konfiguroida ja hallita virtuaalikoneita luotettavasti ja turvallisesti.
Koulutus on suunniteltu Azure -järjestelmänvalvojille, jotka haluavat ottaa käyttöön ja hallinnoida Linux-virtuaalikoneita Azuressa.
Koulutuksen sisältö
Configure virtual machines
- Determine the responsibilities of cloud service providers and customers in a cloud computing environment.
- Identify the key considerations and factors involved in planning for virtual machines. Considerations include workload requirements, resource allocation, and secure access.
- Configure virtual machine storage and virtual machine sizing.
- Create a virtual machine in the Azure portal.
- Practice deploying an Azure virtual machine and verify the configuration.
Add and size disks in Azure virtual machines
- Create a virtual machine (VM)
- Configure and attach virtual hard drives (VHDs) to an existing VM
- Determine whether you need premium disks
- Resize disks for a VM
Monitor your Azure virtual machines with Azure Monitor
- Understand which monitoring data you need to collect from your VM.
- Enable and view recommended alerts and diagnostics.
- Use Azure Monitor to collect and analyze VM host metrics data.
- Use Azure Monitor Agent to collect VM client performance metrics and event logs.
Protect your virtual machines by using Azure Backup
- Identify the scenarios for which Azure Backup provides backup and restore capabilities
- Back up and restore an Azure virtual machine
Manage virtual machines with the Azure CLI
- Create a virtual machine with the Azure CLI.
- Resize virtual machines with the Azure CLI.
- Perform basic management tasks using the Azure CLI.
- Connect to a running VM with SSH and the Azure CLI.
Implement access management for Azure resources
- Configure and use Azure roles within Microsoft Entra ID
- Configure and managed identity and assign it to Azure resources
- Analyze the role permissions granted to or inherited by a user
- Configure access to data in Azure Key Vault using RBAC-policy
Configure Azure Files and Azure File Sync
- Identify storage for file shares versus blob data.
- Configure Azure file shares and file share snapshots.
- Identify features and use cases of Azure File Sync.
- Identify Azure File Sync components and configuration steps.
Copy and move blobs from one container or storage account to another using the AzCopy command
- Copy and move blobs between Azure Storage accounts using the AzCopy tool.
Guided Project: Deploy and administer Linux virtual machines on Azure
- In this module, you practice for the Deploy and administer Linux virtual machines on Azure Applied Skill. You also gain skills to help with day-to-day administrator job tasks. The content combines topics on compute, storage, and monitoring tasks.
Applied Skills, Linux, Virtual Machines, Microsoft Azure