Configuring Windows Server Hybrid Advanced Services -koulutuksessa perehdytään kuinka hallitaan Windows Server-palvelimia paikallisten-, hybridi- ja pilvitekniikoiden avulla, kuten identiteetinhallinta-, virtualisointi-, verkko- ja tallennuspalvelut Windows Server-hybridiympäristössä.
Opi kuinka toteutat tietoturvallisia on-prem- ja hybridiratkaisuja ja niiden korkean käytettävyyden ja vikasietoisuuden toteutustavat. Koulutuksessa opitaan myös tekemään migraatioita on-prem -ympäristöistä Azuren IaaS-, PaaS- ja kontti/Kubernetes-palveluihin. Lisäksi opit seurantaan ja vianselvitykseen käytettäviä työkaluja ja toimintoja.
Koulutus sopii IT-ylläpitäjille, joiden työtehtäviin kuuluvat paikallisten- ja pilvipalveluiden avulla toteutettujen hybridiympäristöjen määrittely ja ylläpito.
Koulutukseen osallistuaksesi sinulla tulisi olla laaja osaaminen on-prem -ympäristöjen Windows Server -ylläpidosta sekä perusosaaminen Azuresta ja Azure Active Directorystä. Koulutukseen osallistujalla on hyvä olla ennestään seuraavat taidot:
- Windows Server -käyttöjärjestelmän hallinta ja sillä toteutettavien on-prem -työkuormien ja seuraavien palveluiden osaaminen: AD DS, DNS, DFS, Hyper-V, tiedosto- ja tallennuspalvelut
- Windows Server -hallintatyökalujen osaaminen
- Korkean käytettävyyden Windows Server -toimintojen tunteminen (klusterointi)
- Hyper-V-palvelun hyvä tuntemus
- Azure IaaS-palveluiden käyttöönotto ja hallinta
- Azure Active Directoryn perusosaaminen
- Windows -työasemakäyttöjärjestelmät (Windows 10 ja/tai 11)
- Tietoturvan perusteiden ja yleisesti käytettävien toimintojen (palomuurit, salaus, MFA, SIEM/SOAR) osaaminen
- PowerShellin perusosaaminen
Koulutus valmentaa Microsoftin viralliseen AZ-801 Configuring Windows Server Hybrid Advanced Services -sertifiointitestiin.
Koulutuksen sisältö
Secure Windows Server operating system
- Configure and manage Exploit Protection
- Configure and manage Windows Defender Application Control
- Configure and manage Microsoft Defender for Servers
- Configure and manage Windows Defender Credential Guard
- Configure SmartScreen
- Implement operating system security by using Group Policies
Secure a hybrid Active Directory infrastructure
- Configure password policies
- Enable password block lists
- Manage protected users
- Manage account security on an RODC
- Harden domain controllers
- Configure authentication policy silos
- Restrict access to domain controllers
- Configure account security
- Manage AD built-in administrative groups
- Manage AD delegation
- Implement and manage Microsoft Defender for Identity
Identify and remediate Windows Server security issues by using Azure services
- Monitor on-premises servers and Azure IaaS VMs by using Microsoft Sentinel
- Identify and remediate security issues on-premises servers and Azure IaaS VMs by using Microsoft Defender for Cloud
Secure Windows Server networking
- Manage Windows Defender Firewall
- Implement domain isolation
- Implement connection security rules
Secure Windows Server storage
- Manage Windows BitLocker Drive Encryption (BitLocker)
- Manage and recover encrypted volumes
- Enable storage encryption by using Azure Disk Encryption
- Manage disk encryption keys for IaaS virtual machines
Implement a Windows Server failover cluster
- Implement a failover cluster on-premises, hybrid, or cloud-only
- Create a Windows failover cluster
- Implement a stretch cluster across datacenters or Azure regions
- Configure storage for failover clustering
- Modify quorum options
- Configure network adapters for failover clustering
- Configure cluster workload options
- Configure cluster sets
- Configure Scale-Out File servers
- Create an Azure witness
- Configure a floating IP address for the cluster
- Implement load balancing for the failover cluster
Manage failover clustering
- Implement cluster-aware updating
- Recover a failed cluster node
- Upgrade a node to Windows Server 2022
- Failover workloads between nodes
- Install Windows updates on cluster nodes
- Manage failover clusters using Windows Admin Center
Implement and manage Storage Spaces Direct
- Create a failover cluster using Storage Spaces Direct
- Upgrade a Storage Spaces Direct node
- Implement networking for Storage Spaces Direct
- Configure Storage Spaces Direct
Manage backup and recovery for Windows Server
- Back up and restore files and folders to Azure Recovery Services Vault
- Install and manage Azure Backup Server
- Back up and recover using Azure Backup Server
- Manage backups in Azure Recovery Services Vault
- Create a backup policy
- Configure backup for Azure VM using the built-in backup agent
- Recover VM using temporary snapshots
- Recover VMs to new Azure VMs
- Restore a VM
Implement disaster recovery by using Azure Site Recovery
- Configure Azure Site Recovery networking
- Configure Site Recovery for on-premises VMs
- Configure a recovery plan
- Configure Site Recovery for Azure VMs
- Implement VM replication to secondary datacenter or Azure region
- Configure Azure Site Recovery policies
Protect virtual machines by using Hyper-V replicas
- Configure Hyper-V hosts for replication
- Manage Hyper-V replica servers
- Configure VM replication
- Perform a failover
Migrate on-premises storage to on-premises servers or Azure
- Transfer data and share
- Cut over to a new server by using Storage Migration Service (SMS)
- Use Storage Migration Service to migrate to Azure VMs
- Migrate to Azure file shares
Migrate on-premises servers to Azure
- Deploy and configure Azure Migrate appliance
- Migrate VM workloads to Azure IaaS
- Migrate physical workloads to Azure IaaS
- Migrate by using Azure Migrate
Migrate workloads from previous versions to Windows Server 2022
- Migrate IIS
- Migrate Hyper-V hosts
- Migrate RDS host servers
- Migrate DHCP
- Migrate print servers
Migrate IIS workloads to Azure
- Migrate IIS workloads to Azure Web Apps
- Migrate IIS workloads to containers
Migrate an AD DS infrastructure to Windows Server 2022 AD DS
- Migrate AD DS objects, including users, groups and Group Policies using AD Migration Tool
- Migrate to a new Active Directory forest
- Upgrade an existing forest
Monitor Windows Server by using Windows Server tools and Azure services
- Monitor Windows Server by using Performance Monitor
- Create and configure Data Collector Sets
- Monitor servers and configure alerts by using Windows Admin Center
- Analyze Windows Server system data by using System Insights
- Manage event logs
- Deploy Azure Monitor agents
- Collect performance counters to Azure
- Create alerts
- Monitor Azure VMs by using Azure diagnostics extension
- Monitor Azure VMs performance by using VM Insights
Troubleshoot Windows Server on-premises and hybrid networking
- Troubleshoot hybrid network connectivity
- Troubleshoot on-premises connectivity
Troubleshoot Windows Server virtual machines in Azure
- Troubleshoot deployment failures
- Troubleshoot booting failures
- Troubleshoot VM performance issues
- Troubleshoot VM extension issues
- Troubleshoot disk encryption issues
- Troubleshoot storage
- Troubleshoot VM connection issues
Troubleshoot Active Directory
- Restore objects from AD recycle bin
- Recover Active Directory database using Directory Services Restore mode
- Recover SYSVOL
- Troubleshoot Active Directory replication
- Troubleshoot Hybrid authentication issues
- Troubleshoot on-premises Active Directory
Microsoft, Windows Server, Azure, Vianselvitys