Opi Microsoft Security, Compliance, and Identity Fundamentals tässä itseopiskelua ja online coachausta yhdistelevässä tehokkaassa valmennuksessa. Sopii erinomaisesti työn ohessa suoritettavaksi. Saat Learning Coachin henkilökohtaisen ohjauksen ja hänen suunnitteleman opintopolun avuksesi. Tällä valmennuksella aidon oppimisen ja sertifioitumisen takuu lähes 100%, mikäli olet motivoitunut itseopiskeluun.
Valmennus antaa hyvän yleiskuvan tietoturva-, compliance- ja identiteettikonsepteista sekä niihin liittyvistä Microsoftin pilvipohjaisista ratkaisuista.
Osallistujalla on hyvä olla seuraavat taidot:
- Verkko- ja pilvikonseptien ymmärrys
- Perus IT-osaaminen
- Azure ja Microsoft 365 -palveluiden perusosaaminen
Valmennus valmentaa Microsoftin viralliseen SC-900 Microsoft Security, Compliance, and Identity Fundamentals –sertifiointitestiin.
Koulutuksen sisältö
Microsoft Fundamentals Coaching -ohjelman sisältö:
- Asiantuntijoiden fasilitoimat videotallenteet suomeksi, jaoteltuina moduuleittain.
- Learning Coachin tuki
- Kerran viikossa Learning Coachin online-aamukahvit.
- Noin tunnin kestoisia virtuaalitapaamisia Learning Coachin johdolla. Aiheina ovat mm.
- Kick Off ja opintoihin orientoituminen
- Opiskelun parhaat käytännöt
- Labra-workshop
- Sertifiointiin valmistautuminen
- Palauteyhteenveto ja jatkosuunnitelmat
Describe security and compliance concepts
- Describe the shared responsibility model
- Describe defense-in-depth
- Describe the Zero Trust model
- Describe encryption and hashing
- Describe Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) concepts
Define identity concepts
- Define identity as the primary security perimeter
- Define authentication
- Define authorization
- Describe identity providers
- Describe the concept of directory services and Active Directory
- Describe the concept of federation
Describe function and identity types of Microsoft Entra ID
- Describe Microsoft Entra ID
- Describe types of identities
- Describe hybrid identity
Describe authentication capabilities of Microsoft Entra ID
- Describe the authentication methods
- Describe multi-factor authentication (MFA)
- Describe password protection and management capabilities
Describe access management capabilities of Microsoft Entra ID
- Describe Conditional Access
- Describe Microsoft Entra roles and role-based access control (RBAC)
Describe identity protection and governance capabilities of Microsoft Entra
- Describe Microsoft Entra ID Governance
- Describe access reviews
- Describe the capabilities of Microsoft Entra Privileged Identity Management
- Describe Entra ID Protection
- Describe Microsoft Entra Permissions Management
Describe core infrastructure security services in Azure
- Describe Azure distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) Protection
- Describe Azure Firewall
- Describe Web Application Firewall (WAF)
- Describe network segmentation with Azure virtual networks
- Describe network security groups (NSGs)
- Describe Azure Bastion
- Describe Azure Key Vault
Describe security management capabilities of Azure
- Describe Microsoft Defender for Cloud
- Describe Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM)
- Describe how security policies and initiatives improve the cloud security posture
- Describe enhanced security features provided by cloud workload protection
Describe capabilities of Microsoft Sentinel
- Define the concepts of security information and event management (SIEM) and security orchestration automated response (SOAR)
- Describe threat detection and mitigation capabilities in Microsoft Sentinel
Describe threat protection with Microsoft Defender XDR
- Describe Microsoft Defender XDR services
- Describe Microsoft Defender for Office 365
- Describe Microsoft Defender for Endpoint
- Describe Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps
- Describe Microsoft Defender for Identity
- Describe Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management
- Describe Microsoft Defender Threat Intelligence (Defender TI)
- Describe the Microsoft Defender portal
Describe Microsoft Service Trust Portal and privacy principles
- Describe the Service Trust Portal offerings
- Describe the privacy principles of Microsoft
- Describe Microsoft Priva
Describe compliance management capabilities of Microsoft Purview
- Describe the Microsoft Purview compliance portal
- Describe Compliance Manager
- Describe the uses and benefits of compliance score
Describe information protection, data lifecycle management, and data governance capabilities of Microsoft Purview
- Describe the data classification capabilities
- Describe the benefits of Content explorer and Activity explorer
- Describe sensitivity labels and sensitivity label policies
- Describe data loss prevention (DLP)
- Describe records management
- Describe retention policies, retention labels, and retention label policies
- Describe unified data governance solutions in Microsoft Purview
Describe insider risk, eDiscovery, and audit capabilities in Microsoft Purview
- Describe insider risk management
- Describe eDiscovery solutions in Microsoft Purview
- Describe audit solutions in Microsoft Purview
Microsoft, Fundamentals, Tietoturva, Azure, Pilvipohjaiset ratkaisut, Security, Compliance