Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing -koulutuksessa keskitytään opettelemaan tarvittavat taidot Dynamics 365 -markkinointisovelluksen suunnitteluun, mukauttamiseen, käyttöönottoon ja hallintaan. Lisäksi tutustutaan kuinka käyttää Microsoftin markkinointitekniikoita ja -työkaluja liiketoiminnan markkinoinnin kehittämiseen.
Koulutukseen sisältyy Dynamics 365 Marketingin yleiskatsaus, kampanjoiden suunnittelu ja toteutus, sisällönhallinta, automaattiset liidien hallintaprosessit, verkkosivustoseuranta ja analytiikka, markkinointianalytiikka ja raportointi sekä Dynamics 365 Marketingin integrointi muihin Dynamics 365 -sovelluksiin.
Opi hyödyntämään monipuolisesti Dynamics 365 -markkinointisovellusta liiketoiminnan markkinoinnin kehittämisessä.
Koulutus sopii markkinoinnin prosesseista kiinnostuneille, jotka haluavat ottaa kaiken irti toimintaa tukevasta järjestelmästä.
Koulutukseen osallistuvalla on suositeltavaa olla kokemusta markkinointiprosesseista ja Dynamics 365:sesta tai muusta liiketoimintajärjestelmästä.
Koulutus valmentaa Microsoftin viralliseen MB-220 Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing -sertifiointitestiin.
Koulutuksen sisältö
Configure the Customer Insights – Journeys app
- Configure forms, including adding columns to forms and changing form layouts
- Configure views, including adding columns to views
- Configure the model-driven app
- Create and configure columns in tables
Configure organization settings
- Configure domain authentication
- Configure SMS providers, including Microsoft Azure Communication Services
Configure and manage marketing settings
- Configure form matching strategies
- Configure compliance profiles
- Configure brand profiles
- Configure UTM tracking
- Configure audiences
- Configure frequency capping
Create and manage segments
- Create and manage segments
- Create segments by using Copilot Query Assist
- Combine segments by using union, exclude, or intersect logic
- Create a segment within a customer journey
- Describe table relationships
- Describe Customer Insights – Data tables
Manage preference centers
- Create and manage preference centers
- Describe how consent is managed and enforced for email and text messages
- Configure opt-in and double opt-in
- Describe consent purposes and topics
- Import consent records
- Describe multi-brand preference centers
Manage leads
- Create leads
- Manage the leads lifecycle
- Create and manage lead scoring models
Create and manage accounts and contacts
- Create and manage accounts
- Create and manage contacts
- Create and manage activities and activity templates
Create marketing emails
- Create a marketing email
- Describe the HTML editor feature in a marketing email
- Create and use reusable content blocks
- Define mandatory fields for email
- Add dynamic content to email
- Add conditional content to email
- Validate email content for compliance by using the Accessibility Checker
- Check spam scores for email content by using Spam checker
- Personalize email content
- Describe the content ideas copilot
- Use specialized links
- Include iCalendar files and documents from the asset library
Distribute marketing emails
- Define message requirements
- Validate and publish email messages
- Send emails without building a journey
- Prevent duplicate sends
Create and manage other channels
- Create outbound text messages
- Add SMS keywords to a text message
- Personalize text messages
- Manage SMS keywords
- Configure push notifications
- Include Customer Voice surveys in messages
Create and manage forms
- Manage form templates
- Create and manage forms
- Embed forms in external websites
- Implement form capture for externally managed forms
- Review form submissions
- Describe form hosting options
- Describe use cases for extending forms by using JavaScript
- Configure form validation rules
Configure journey orchestration
- Create a journey by using a segment
- Configure a journey by using a trigger
- Configure A/B testing and review test results
- Configure a business goal and measure progress
- Add journey reminders
- Define journey exit conditions
- Add channel optimization to a journey
Manage journey triggers
- Describe trigger types
- Describe custom triggers
- Create a trigger for a Dataverse record change
- Use a custom trigger to run a Power Automate flow
- Use conditions in triggers
- Move custom triggers between environments
Explore insights and analytics
- Analyze marketing outcomes
- Track campaigns by using UTM codes
Create and configure events and webinars
- Create an event
- Configure an event as a Microsoft Teams webinar
- Configure an event as a Microsoft Teams Live event
- Configure event agenda, including sessions and tracks
- Manage speakers and event team members
- Create and manage event forms
Manage events
- Manage event registrations, including attendee check-in and cancellations
- Manage registration, waitlists, and attendees
- Configure event capacity and passes
- Describe the event management dashboard and event analytics
Microsoft, Dynamics 365, Marketing, Customer