Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales mahdollistaa asiakkaiden ja potentiaalisten asiakkaiden hallinnan. Dynamics 365 Sales -sovelluksen avulla organisaatiot voivat seurata myyntitavoitteita, automatisoida toimintoja ja hallita koko yrityksen myyntiprosessia aina liidistä laskuun. Kurssilla pääset tekemään askel askeleelta liidistä laskuun -prosessin vaiheita. Käymme myös läpi saatavilla olevia automaatio- ja mukautusvaihtoehtoja.
Opi hyödyntämään monipuolisesti Dynamics 365 Sales järjestelmän lukuisia ominaisuuksia.
Koulutus sopii myynnistä ja myynnin prosesseista kiinnostuneille, jotka haluavat ottaa kaiken irti toimintaa tukevasta järjestelmästä.
Osallistujalla on suositeltavaa olla kokemusta Dynamics 365 tai muusta liiketoimintajärjestelmästä sekä myyntiprosessien tuntemus.
Koulutus valmentaa Microsoftin viralliseen MB-210 Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales -sertifiointitestiin.
Koulutuksen sisältö
Configure user interfaces
- Configure model-driven apps
- Create and configure forms
- Create and configure views
- Create email, Excel, and Word templates
- Configure the timeline control
- Describe Microsoft Dataverse security concepts
- Configure column mappings on table relationships
Configure sales settings
- Configure sales territories and hierarchical sales territories
- Configure auto number settings for quotes, orders, and invoices
- Configure currencies and fiscal years
- Describe sales security roles
- Manage sales literature
- Configure hierarchy security
- Configure and utilize the assistant
- Configure the business card scanner control
- Enable the Kanban control
- Describe goal management
Configure processes
- Configure duplicate detection rules
- Configure sales business process flows
- Import data by using the Data Import wizard and export data to Excel
Configure sales visualizations
- Implement Power BI apps for Sales
- Configure sales dashboards
- Describe options for sales reports
- Configure the opportunity pipeline view
Configure sales engagement
- Configure and utilize the Sales accelerator
- Configure the workspace
- Create and manage sequences
- Create and manage segments
- Configure lead and opportunity assignment rules for routing
- Configure the Up Next widget
Evaluate Sales licensing
- Compare and contrast Sales Professional and Enterprise configuration
- Describe use cases for Team member licensing
- Describe the upgrade pathway from Sales Professional to Enterprise
Create and manage accounts and contacts
- Create and manage accounts
- Create and manage contacts
- Describe use cases for auto capture
- Describe use cases for email engagement
- Describe relationship intelligence
- Describe use cases for notes analysis
- Describe SMS message engagement with customers
Create and manage leads and opportunities
- Create and manage leads
- Perform lead qualification and disqualification
- Configure lead qualification
- Manage opportunities
- Track stakeholders, sales team members, and competitors
- Manage product line items on opportunities
- Customize the Opportunity Close form
- Configure and utilize predictive lead and opportunity scoring
- Manage the sales pipeline by using the work list
- Configure duplicate lead detection
Create and manage quotes, orders, and invoices
- Add quotes to opportunities
- Edit quotes in various stages
- Send quotes and invoices to customers
- Convert quotes to orders
- Manage orders and invoices
Create and manage the product catalog
- Create and manage products, product bundles, and product families
- Describe the product lifecycle
- Create and manage price lists
- Create and manage unit groups
Create and manage forecasts
- Configure and utilize forecasts
- Describe the forecast templates
- Configure and utilize premium forecasting
Manage in-app campaigns
- Create and manage marketing lists
- Create quick campaigns
Integrate sales applications
- Integrate with LinkedIn Sales Navigator and Insights
- Describe Dynamics 365 Sales mobile app capabilities
- Create push notifications for the Dynamics 365 Sales mobile app
Integrate with Microsoft 365 services
- Configure mailboxes
- Describe Server-Side Synchronization
- Configure document management
- Deploy the Dynamics 365 App for Outlook
- Configure the Dynamics 365 App for Outlook
- Configure auto capture and email engagement
- Configure SharePoint integration
- Describe Microsoft Teams calling and conversation intelligence
- Describe Microsoft Teams collaboration
Dynamics 365, Sales, Leads, Customer